Bridging Your Assets to Mu Exchange on Gnosis Chain
First off, you will need $xDAI and $sDAI
- xDAI — the native token of the network, is a stablecoin and a gas token.
- sDAI — an interest-bearing stablecoin usable as collateral for trade and liquidity on Mu.
Please read our docs here for a more detailed explanation of these two tokens.
TLDR: You need $xDAI and $sDAI to trade on Mu.
Already Have Assets On Other Chains?
Go to Get $sDAI at the header section on the Mu Exchange page and bridge from any chain!
- We recommend this as the bridge because you get destination gas ($xDAI) and trading collateral ($sDAI) all in one step and can immediately start trading!
- Note: You must still top up $xDAI when running low on gas.
- There are other alternatives, but there are more steps; you can view them here.
Buying $xDAI with Fiat
BuyxDAI —
Mt Perelin —
Ramp —
Gnosis Mainnet Official Faucet —
- Yes, you can get a small amount of xDAI free!
- The Gnosis team is generous enough to provide small amounts of xDAI tokens for users experimenting with Gnosis Chain.
Community-run Faucet —
- Use at your discretion.
Swapping or Minting $sDAI on Gnosis Chain
Once you have $xDAI, you must obtain $sDAI using two methods:
Swapping to $sDAI
There are a few known DEXs with deep liquidity that we can swap your tokens to xDAI and sDAI.
- Balancer —
- Honeyswap —
There are more DEXs, but these have the deepest liquidity on Gnosis Chain.
You should not swap all the $xDAI for $sDAI as you still need $xDAI for gas!
You may need to get more xDAI for gas fees occasionally!
Minting $sDAI using $xDAI
You can mint $sDAI directly on the Agave website here:
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